A modern take on the home made collague
The great free app obtains a selection of photos, music and video clips from your chosen list and collates them together to produce a collage video.
Your best memories in one place
This easy to use program, allows you to save those wonderful moments in one place, and go on to share them and enjoy them at your leisure. No matter what you or your friends and family are doing, or when, a great real-time sharing function allows you to share your joys at any time. Photo editing features, such as orientation, crop, contrast, brightness, text on picture, draw on picture, shapes, stickers and other effects allow you to completely personalise your collage and make it unique. Various forms of animation can be added and your also able to compile a slide show. Trim and edit videos and choose the best parts to add to the collage. Adjust photo sizes so you can have multiple photos in one frame and really get artistic. Post your collages on social media.
Media art at the touch of a button
This wonderfully designed application, allows young and old to sit together and create lasting records of their most treasured memories. Highly recommended for the people who love to record and be artistic.