Sadewa PRO – Topup & Pembayaran: A Business and Productivity Android Application
Sadewa PRO is an Android application developed by Sadewa Pulsa. It is a free business and productivity application that provides a wide range of products, features, and services to help users develop their businesses in the digital era. The application offers various products such as Pulsa, Paket Data, Token PLN, Pembayaran PPOB, Kirim Uang, Topup E Wallet, Game, Travel (Paket Trip Wisata), and others. It also offers local products such as Reload, Aktivasi Voucher, and Kode Voucher with a larger quota and cheaper prices in Sukabumi – Jabodetabek – Cianjur.
The application provides features such as Agen Registration, Referral Link, Web Report, Markup Per Agen/Produk, and Promotional Banner. Users can earn passive income by registering as an agent and have the potential to earn commissions of millions of rupiahs every month without having to sell. Moreover, users can also earn money while on vacation by selling various Travel/Trip Wisata packages with commissions up to millions of rupiahs and a free vacation program every month. Install the application now and get the benefits!