Listening Tasks 25 Minna 2

by InPeria for Android 9.0

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Listening Tasks 25 Minna 2 Review

Listening Tasks 25 Minna 2 is an Android application developed by InPeria. It falls under the Education & Reference category. The app provides audio content found on the CD that accompanies the textbook “みんなの日本語初級Ⅱ 第2版 聴解タスク25” which is ideal for elementary level learners. It includes 25 lessons that can be accessed for free. However, there is a charge to display the script.

The user interface of the app is simple and user-friendly, providing easy navigation. The audio quality is excellent, and the app is stable, without any noticeable bugs or crashes. Overall, Listening Tasks 25 Minna 2 is a great tool for those who want to improve their Japanese listening skills.