JioSecurity: Malware Scan Antivirus App Lock APK

by Reliance Industries Ltd. for Android 9.0

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All around protection

JioSecurity: Antivirus Spam Call Protection is an all-in-one antivirus app that offers overall protection for your gadget. Not only will your files stay secured but you will also be barred from receiving unwanted calls and messages that tend to spam your inbox. Additionally, it also keeps your private information safe and secured, preventing websites and developers from gaining access to whenever you conduct downloads or uploads.

Keep your device clean

First things first, the app makes sure to provide you protection against viruses and malware that can put all your files at risk. Malware can invade your system through many different ways and your device might become infected without you knowing. Malware can unknowingly slip through public Internet connections and unprotected file sharing and this is what the app aims to prevent. Threats can also be detected while you are in the middle of browsing as there are lots of unsafe websites that can potentially harm your device the moment the page is opened. JioSecurity, therefore, operates continuously and conducts constant scans and sweeps whenever new connections are made or new files are being downloaded in your device.

Do not worry because the app not intrusive and you would not even know it is there as it remains working in the background. It will, however, notify you without fail the second it detects threats in your system so you can immediately take action and purge the malware. You also have the option to conduct a manual scan if you think your device is in danger of being infected. 

Value your privacy

Receiving spam messages and relentless calls from persistent agents are a disturbance that can disrupt productivity and workflow. Luckily, besides malware protection, JioSecurity is also capable of blocking any unwanted and unexpected messages and calls so you can say goodbye to your clutter of junked e-mails, SMS, and the long list of missed calls. Simply input all the numbers you would like to block using the app and it will automatically prevent any messages or calls from those contacts to push through. You will not get notified about them in any way so you can enjoy a very productive day and have a peace of mind. Besides that, JioSecurity will also make sure that no outsiders will be able to access your device and access your files by setting up a passcode. While your device may already have its own security features, having JioSecurity’s added protection goes a long way especially if you have really confidential items that you cannot risk being made public.

The ultimate security provider

JioSecurity: Antivirus Spam Call Protection is a great help most especially for people who regularly download and upload files. With how busy our schedules are, we usually do not have the time to go through protocol and steps in order to assure that our files and devices are safe from any virus. JioSecurity: Antivirus Spam Call Protection already has got you covered in all aspects.