Filipino – Chinese dictionary

by ProDict for Android 13.0

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Filipino – Chinese Dictionary: Simple and Convenient

The Filipino – Chinese dictionary by ProDict is an Android application that offers a simple, fast, and convenient way to translate words between these two languages. Withwords in its offline database, the app does not require an internet connection to function. In addition to the dictionary, the app contains a vocabulary trainer that makes it easy to learn new words.

One of the most significant advantages of this dictionary is its instant start and search feature. You can search for a word instantly, and the app will present you with its translation. The app also allows you to listen to the pronunciation of words, which is a great feature for language learners. You can also add words to your personal dictionary, change font size and color, and search your search history. The user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate the app, and you can even find a word copied from the clipboard.

Overall, the Filipino – Chinese dictionary by ProDict is a great tool for anyone looking to translate words between these two languages. Its offline functionality, instant start and search features, and added vocabulary trainer make it a must-have for language learners and those who need to translate words on the go.