Kelas 5 Tema 8

by Linear Studio Apps for Android 13.0

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Kelas 5 Tema 8: A Comprehensive Learning Companion

Kelas 5 Tema 8 is a free education and reference app developed by Linear Studio Apps. The app is designed to cater to students who wish to learn anytime and anywhere. The app features the Buku Tematik Terpadu Kurikulum 2013 Kelas V. The curriculum is free and owned by Kemdikbud. The content is sourced from, and the app does not represent Kemdikbud in any way.

The app features a responsive design that can be enlarged to fit the user’s preferences. It also has a search feature that allows users to search for specific pages. The minimalist landscape view enhances the reading experience. The app also has a zoom in and zoom out feature. The app provides links between chapters and sub-chapters to ensure a smooth reading experience.

The app covers four themes: Manusia dan Lingkungan, Perubahan Lingkungan, Usaha Pelestarian Lingkungan, and Kegiatan Berbasis Proyek dan Literasi. The app is a comprehensive learning companion that provides a wealth of knowledge for students.