Learn Indonesian – 15000 Words

by FunEasyLearn for Android 13.0

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Learn Indonesian – 15000 Words: A Comprehensive Vocabulary App

FunEasyLearn’s Learn IndonesianWords is a free app available for Android users. It is designed to help users learn Indonesian in a fun and easy way. The app includes a comprehensive vocabulary covering 6,000 words with images, phonetic transcriptions, and pronunciation recordings by native speakers. The vocabulary is divided into 15 thematic topics, which are further divided into 140 subtopics. Additionally, the app offers 7 fun games to learn in a uniquely entertaining manner. The “Spin Categories” feature allows the app to choose a random topic, subtopic, and game for users to enhance their learning experience. This app is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and advanced learners, as it offers three difficulty levels. The app also includes a “Review Manager” that allows users to review all the words they have learned during each game.