Real Rubiks cube

by Devaram Borana for Android 13.0

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Real Rubiks cube: The Ultimate Puzzle Solver

Real Rubiks cube is an Android-based puzzle solver app that provides a comprehensive solution to Rubik’s cubes, Skewb, Pyraminx, Ivy Cube, and training timer. The app offers a 3D solution to the puzzles, with the shortest possible solution available, making it a perfect fit for both beginners and advanced users. With this app, you can practice solving your puzzle as fast as possible with random shuffling and a timer with full statistics (SpeedCubing). The Fridrich solver gives you a layer-by-layer solution based on the popular Fridrich Method (or CFOP Method) of solving the Cube. The advanced solver can generate the shortest possible solution within seconds, while Pattern Solver helps you to reach any valid pattern from any valid pattern on the cube in the shortest possible number of turns. The app also features a virtual cube that lets you Play, Learn, Solve and track solve times accurately. You can apply predefined or custom patterns to the Virtual Cube and manipulate it using your own algorithms. Real Rubiks cube is the best app to play Magic Cubes on your phone and also includes very good tutorials to solve Rubik’s Cube, including the advanced Fridrich method.