Surah Waqiah

by 123Muslim for Android 13.0

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Surah Waqiah – The Surah of Wealth

Surah Waqiah is a chapter from the Quran that has been revealed during the Meccan period of Muhammad’s prophethood. The chapter has many healing benefits, and reading it can prevent one from falling into poverty. Our Prophet (SAW) has said that whoever recites Surah Waqiah at night will never encounter poverty. Another hadith from our Prophet (SAW) states that Surah Waqiah is the Surah of Wealth, and it should be recited and taught to children. Many Islamic Scholars and Shaikh Ul Hadith suggest making a habit of reading Surah Waqiah every night after Isha. If you are going through a time of financial need, you should start reading Surah Waqiah. Before reading it, make sure to read Durood/Salawat Ibrahimi (3 times, or 11 times), and after finishing, make dua and read Durood/Salawat Ibrahimi again (3 times or 11 times). Remember, Allah SWT will always provide for us in ways we don’t know and couldn’t imagine.