Scratch Tutorial – Coding Game

by ZHAO HAITAO for iOS 16.4

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Scratch Tutorial – Coding Game Review

Scratch Tutorial – Coding Game is an iPhone application designed by ZHAO HAITAO, categorized under Education & Reference. It is a full version program that teaches children how to code in a fun and interactive way.

The application has an innovative design that includes an intelligent system to guide children step by step. It is easy to use, and children between the ages of 4-14 can quickly learn to code with it. The programming courses are interesting and designed to stimulate children’s interest in learning. They can design their own programming games while learning and playing, which helps them to love programming and learn to program.

The Scratch Tutorial – Coding Game application was designed by senior program designers and educators. It starts with the basics and gradually introduces programming concepts from shallow to deep. This new intelligent programming course is the perfect way to open the road of children’s programming enlightenment!