
by Facebook for iOS 16.4

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Getting in touch with the world

Facebook is one of the most powerful social media platforms to date and throughout the years, it has continued to evolve with new and interesting features. It is now more than just a tool for messaging and communication. With Facebook being constantly improved to keep up with the people’s fast-paced lifestyle, you might have missed some of its important updates and added functions. Here’s what’s new with Facebook’s latest version.

Discovering love with Facebook

With millions of people using Facebook, it makes it an ideal place to start finding the love of your life. The famous social media site introduces a dating feature where users can create dating profiles, which is a separate and different profile from their current ones. To make sure that you can be connected with other, new people, your dating profile cannot be accessed nor seen by your Facebook friends. The dating feature will let you create brand new connections and relationships while being able to keep your dating life private and hidden from your Facebook friends unless they, too, have created their own Facebook dating profile. 

This feature comes with its own chat inbox that is separate from Facebook Messenger so you can focus entirely on your love life. Of course, while your dating profile is hidden to people who are not engaged in Facebook Dating, there is still hope for you to get together with your Facebook crush. Secret Crush is one of its useful features where you get to secretly mark or take note of the friends that you are interested in. The moment that they join Facebook Dating, they are notified that someone already has their eyes set on them. This is now your chance to get matched with the apple of your eye!

Endless opportunities

Your love life is not the only one that Facebook will help you. It has also made itself a hub for career opportunities for people who want to find jobs. Employers are able to post job listings that Facebook users can look into. People can also filter the jobs according to their specialty, job description, and location. Because the social media site is being used by almost everyone in the world, it makes it a strategic place both for employers and job hunters to connect with each other. 

Aside from job opportunities, Facebook has also become a perfect place to shop. Online sellers can post their products on Facebook’s Marketplace. It is a community where Facebook users are able to buy and sell items just like in eBay. This presents a good opportunity for small business owners to promote their products by getting in touch with the community. It can also be a place for other people to buy cheaper, pre-loved items that would have cost so much more when bought at malls and commercial stores. The Marketplace makes it easy for you to find the item you are looking for by sorting them into different categories like Housing and Entertainment. 

A new look

Facebook is having another makeover that comes not only with a new logo design but also a redesigned timeline. The new interface appears brighter than before with the app getting rid of its iconic blue and replacing it with more white space. It does help make Facebook seem neater and easier to look at, especially since the contents of the timeline are made bigger, making them easier to read. It does not, however, have any major effect on how the timeline functions. As usual, stories can be viewed at the very top of your screen while the main menu can be accessed at the very bottom. Users can continue scrolling through their timeline to check for updates from friends and pages that they follow. 

Manage your Groups

Groups has been included in Facebook’s main menu as the app aims to make it more accessible to users, with it being one of Facebook’s most-used function. People can now enjoy scrolling through their groups’ activities in a separate tab. Group recommendations based on their current groups are also available so users can connect with other communities that share similar interests. There is also an Explore option if you are feeling adventurous and in the mood to meet new people. 

Being able to check for group updates in a separate timeline is convenient, but that is not the only thing that Facebook has made easier. Joining and leaving groups can now be done in just a few clicks. With how the Groups featured is tailored to your interests, finding a new group to join in is a piece of cake, and so is leaving a group that you think you should not be a part of. Gone are the days where you have to visit each of your groups in order to find and click on the Leave button. Now, all you have to do is visit the Settings option located at the top of your Groups tab and it will show you a list of all the groups that you are a member of. Beside each name is the Leave button, allowing you to depart from a group one after the other. 

A growing community

Social media engagement has become a part of people’s routine and Facebook is putting an effort into making itself an all-in-one platform. It can be used for entertainment, business, and even research purposes. Facebook is undeniably one of the most-used social media apps in every country and if you still do not have your own Facebook account, there is so much in the world that you are missing. 

The latest update to the Facebook app brings with it the power to control what you see on your news feed. Within the new news feed settings menu you can view the people, pages. and groups that you’ve seen the most activity from in your news feed. If these people are starting to get on your nerves you can simply unfollow them so their posts won’t show up in your feed. Don’t worry, it’s easy to see who you’ve already unfollowed and start re-following them again. Another new option within the news feed is the ability to tap on the down arrow in a post to remove a post from your timeline or directly unfollow a person.


  • The latest update to the Facebook app brings with it the power to control what you see on your news feed. Within the new news feed settings menu you can view the people, pages. and groups that you’ve seen the most activity from in your news feed. If these people are starting to get on your nerves you can simply unfollow them so their posts won’t show up in your feed. Don’t worry, it’s easy to see who you’ve already unfollowed and start re-following them again. Another new option within the news feed is the ability to tap on the down arrow in a post to remove a post from your timeline or directly unfollow a person.

Keeping up with friends is faster than ever

• See what friends are up to
• Share updates, photos and videos
• Get notified when friends like and comment on your posts
• Text, chat and have group conversations
• Play games and use your favorite apps