Electrical Measurements APK

by Engineering Wale Baba for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by Engineering Wale Baba.

Electrical Measurements is a free app that provides an in-depth look at important topics in the field of electrical engineering. The app is divided into five units and covers a wide range of topics. The material in this app has been organized in a way that will help you learn quickly and efficiently.

The first part of the app provides an introduction to measuring instruments and a classification of measuring instruments. It also introduces the concept of the difference between the two types of instruments, the controlling instrument and the measuring instrument. The second part of the app introduces the concept of the deflection, control, and comparison of control systems. The third part introduces the concept of the damped system, and the fourth part introduces the concept of the fluid friction damper. The fifth part of the app introduces the concept of the torque equation and the intrinsic constants of the galvanometer. It also introduces the moving iron instrument and the errors in the measurement of the iron position.