IC Reference

by VuKhuc for Android 13.0

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Quick Reference for ICs with IC Reference App

IC Reference is an Android app developed by VuKhuc that falls under the Education & Reference category. The app is free to download and provides a quick reference for all the popular ICs. It is a handy book that can assist you in finding essential information about the ICs you are working with.

The app offers two types of search options, namely by family and by name. You can search for the ICs by entering their family name or by entering their name. The app also provides detailed information on each IC, including their characteristics, functions, and applications. The app is an excellent tool for students, hobbyists, and professionals who work with ICs regularly.

Overall, IC Reference is a reliable and useful app that provides quick access to essential information about the most popular ICs. The app is easy to use and navigate, and the information provided is accurate and relevant.