Vivasayam – வவசயம : வஙக வறக மடததடடம

by Nithra for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Nithra.

Vivasayam is a free app that aims to assist farmers in promoting natural farming. The app contains useful information on various aspects of agriculture, such as cultivation, agriculture practices, and its importance in our Indian economy.

We all know that agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy but in practice, the majority of Indian farmers are losing their land to the growing number of farmers who are switching from traditional farming to modern methods. As a result, the country’s economy is becoming more and more dependent on the products of large corporations.

We believe that the only way to change this is to increase the participation of farmers in the economy and create more opportunities for them to earn a living.

This free app can be downloaded on your mobile phone. Once downloaded, the user will be able to access the information contained in it in offline mode.