Chandrayaan Space Simulator

by DoGame Software for Android 13.0

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Chandrayaan Space Simulator: Explore the Moon in this Realistic Space Program

Chandrayaan Space Simulator is an Android game developed by DoGame Software. This free simulation game allows you to experience the Chandrayaan space program and take control of the lunar orbiter, Vikram lander, and Pragyan lunar rover. Developed in India, this game offers a realistic and immersive space exploration experience.

In Chandrayaan Space Simulator, your mission is to orbit the Earth and then change your orbit to the moon. Once you reach the moon’s orbit, you can attempt to land the lunar module on the moon’s surface. After landing, you can open the “box” and drive the rover, exploring the moon’s terrain.

This game is based on the real-life Chandrayaan mission launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation in JulyThe mission aimed to land the Vikram lander on the moon, but unfortunately, it deviated from its intended trajectory and lost communication during the landing attempt. Chandrayaan Space Simulator allows you to experience the challenges and excitement of this historic mission.