YT Live Chat : Troll Starver

by joenoonan27 for

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Youtube Live Chat – How to Filter Comments and Posts That You Don’t Want

Youtube Live Chat: Troll Starver is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to filter comments and posts that you don’t want to see, even when you are in a Live stream. The following steps will help you download the extension and install it on your Android device:

1) Install the extension.

2) Open Youtube Live Chat in your browser.

3) Click the link that says “Select Live video chat rooms and invite others” in the left-hand menu of your screen.

4) Tap on the name of the chatroom that you want to invite people to.

5) Select “Filter comments” in the top-left corner of your screen.

6) Choose the type of comments that you want to filter out. The options available are: text, audio, video, animated, URL, image and more.

7) Choose the type of post that you want to filter out.

8) Press the button next to the comments and posts that you want to filter out.

9) You can now click the link and invite your friends.

You will not need to filter anything for a while.