Yandisk Search

by Yandisk for

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Yandisk Search – A Lightweight, Privacy-First Search Engine

This is a lightweight, privacy-first search engine based on the privacy-first principle. Privacy first means the ability to search without worrying about privacy issues. This is accomplished by searching an index of web pages that have been carefully selected and organized to give you the best results. Privacy first also means no advertising, no sponsored results, and no sharing your data with anyone.

Why privacy first? It has been shown that when users see an ad, it causes them to trust the brand less. By adhering to the privacy-first principle, you are setting yourself up to trust the brand more. And that means you are more likely to trust the website you visit.

How does Yandisk Search work?

The goal of this extension is to provide the fastest, most efficient way to find content on the Internet, privately. Using a powerful search algorithm, we create an index of web pages that you can search.