World Map

by Androcalc for Android 9.0

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World Map – An Android App to Explore the World

World Map is an Android application developed by Androcalc that allows users to explore the world map on their device. The app provides a detailed map of the world, including all countries with their respective borders, oceans, and other geographical details.

With this app, users can zoom in and out of the map and explore different parts of the world. The app also provides brief information about each country, such as the country’s capital city, dial code, currency code, continent, area in sq km, languages spoken, population, and GPS geo points east, west, north, south, geo name id, and flag iso Alpha3.

This free app is an excellent tool for students, travelers, or anyone who wants to learn more about the world. It is easy to use, and the information provided is accurate and up-to-date. Overall, World Map is a useful app for anyone interested in exploring the world at their fingertips.