Welcome to the Game

by Reflect Studios for Windows 8.1

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Horror puzzle game for PC

Welcome to the Game is a premium simulation game for PC that was developed by Reflect Studios. It’s a horror puzzler that takes players on a creepy and bizarre adventure into the world of the Deep Web where all manner of depravity and every twisted fantasy can be found.

Similar to games like Loop86 or Penumbra: Black Plague, Welcome to the Game takes players on a bizarre and psychological ride to the dark recesses of seemingly ordinary daily life. They will venture into the mysterious and twisted void of the web that few know about.

What is it about?

Welcome to the Game is a puzzle horror game that takes you to a part of the web that very few know and talk about, the Deep Web. You will explore this vast and mysterious landscape in search of what’s called the Red Room. It is an online website/service that allows you to witness and even take part in interactive torture and murder.

Welcome to the Game puts you behind a computer screen as explore the Deep Web in search of 8 hidden keys needed to build a URL to access the Red Room. Along the way, you will be met with hidden puzzles that you need to solve to avoid detection and prevent being hacked. Also, there is the looming threat of a mysterious entity bent on stopping you by any means necessary.

Before you dive in, there are some things you need to be aware of first. First and foremost, as far as horror games go, this one is on the extreme side of things, both in theme and in presentation (read: gory and violent). Also, this title is filled with jump scares that may or may not be to your liking depending on your tolerances for those types of things.

When you look into the abyss…

By now, it should be apparent that Welcome to the Game is not for the faint of heart or those with low tolerances for the gory and the violent. There is a method to its madness, but it’s definitely not a game for everyone. Nevertheless, if you’re into these sorts of titles, you will be in for quite a creep and bizarre ride.