Weather Forecast

by leocompson for

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Weather Forecast – Get Current Weather for Any Desired Location

Weather Forecast is a weather app that lets you quickly and easily get the current weather for any desired location. You can access it via the address bar or the browser, and choose a city or country from the list. You can also choose the current temperature, wind speed, and precipitation.

The main function of the app is that it displays the current weather for you. It also displays the forecast for the following 24 hours, as well as the precipitation and winds for that time frame. The app also features a search bar that allows you to search for your desired city. Once a city is found, you can quickly select the – GO – button to search for the city.

The features are very easy to use, as you don’t need to understand complex settings to make the app work as intended. There are several options in the settings, including the temperature unit, decimal point for badge icon text and etc.