
by Walkingspree USA LTD for iOS 16.4

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Walkingspree – A Fun and Motivating Group Program for Fitness Enthusiasts

Walkingspree is a group program that enables companies and insurers to keep their members fit while having fun. The program is designed to help members achieve their personal and program goals by tracking their daily activities. Walkingspree is compatible with multiple devices such as Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch, and Smartphones, and can connect with other mobile applications like Apple Health Kit. The program is exclusively available to members of employers or health insurers who sponsor the activity program.

The program offers a range of features that help members keep track of their daily activities, such as setting goals, tracking food and calories consumed, monitoring progress towards personal and program goals, and viewing visual activity statistics. Members can also participate in team competitions, invite and compare their stats with friends, view their earned activity and challenge badges, and shop for activity trackers. The app also provides comprehensive support for device or program help, and in-app progress notifications for challenges, badges, and program updates.