vr home

by xe-nous for Android 13.0

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Experience Virtual Reality Interior Visualization with VR Home

VR Home is a free lifestyle application developed by xe-nous for Android. This app offers an immersive experience of virtual interior spaces that are yet to be built. With VR Home, you can explore and visualize the design of your future home or office before you spend on it. This app is optimized to work with any mobile stereoscopic headset, including Google Cardboard and Daydream.

The app offers an easy-to-use interface that allows you to understand and make better decisions about your designs. VR Home provides a realistic view of the space that can be explored in 3D. It also includes optimized tracking on each device, which makes the experience even more immersive. However, it is essential to note that this app is for demo purposes only.

VR Home by xe-nous is an excellent app for anyone interested in interior design and virtual reality. It can help you visualize and understand the design better, making it easier to make informed decisions before you spend on it. You can contact xe-nous through their website or email for any further information or queries.