
by Vigicrues for Android 13.0

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Vigicrues – Keep Yourself Informed About Floods

Vigicrues is a free application available on Android that aims to inform the public of potential dangers related to floods on the main rivers in France, monitored by the government. The app is managed by the state services and provides information on the level of flood vigilance (green/yellow/orange/red), national and local information bulletins written by flood forecasters, and behavior advice adapted to the situation. Users can also access water levels and/or flow rates observed in rivers and flood forecasts for certain stations, as well as maps of flood-prone areas in some areas.

The app allows users to geolocate themselves on the map and view nearby river sections and stations. Users can also create a personal account to receive personalized subscriptions and alerts. Subscriptions allow users to receive a notification for each new bulletin publication, while alerts allow users to receive notifications when the flood vigilance level changes on a river section, a territory, or a department, and when the river level exceeds the threshold chosen by the user on a station.

The latest update includes improvements such as the display of the last measurement value for selected favorite stations, better readability of the map on the homepage, and an improved search tool for entities.