Vernier Caliper Simulator APK

by Jiun Wei Chia for Android 9.0

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Practice Reading Vernier Caliper with Vernier Caliper Simulator

Vernier Caliper Simulator is a free and easy-to-use Android app that allows you to practice reading a vernier caliper. With this app, you don’t need to have a physical set of calipers to learn and practice the skill. Simply slide your finger across to grip the red object and take your reading.

If you’re not sure about how to read the caliper, the app has a “Teach Me” button that highlights the correct scale lines to read with red arrows. After taking your reading, enter your guess and press the “Check My Answer” button to see if you got it right.

This app is perfect for anyone who needs to learn or improve their skills in reading a vernier caliper. With regular practice, you’ll be able to read the caliper like a pro!