Velammal Digital

by Karka Kasadara EduLabs for Android 13.0

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Velammal Digital: Communication and Learning App for Students and Parents

Velammal Digital is an Android app developed by Karka Kasadara EduLabs and falls under the Education & Reference category. It is a communication and learning app designed to connect schools, parents, and students, making it easier for parents to stay updated on their children’s education and for students to continue learning outside of the classroom.

The app is divided into four sections: Homework, Learning, Practice, and Assessment. The Homework section allows students to view their assignments and submit them online. The Learning section provides access to videos, documents, and other learning materials related to their curriculum. The Practice section includes quizzes and tests for students to practice and test their knowledge. The Assessment section provides feedback on their performance and helps students identify areas they need to improve.

Overall, Velammal Digital is a useful tool for parents and students to stay connected with schools and continue learning outside of the classroom. It is free to download and use, making it accessible to all.