VBA32 Antivirus

by Anti-virus for Windows XP

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Protect your PC in real time against malware

They don’t come much more comprehensive than VBA 32 Antivirus. The program consists of an on-access scanner, on-demand scanner, auto-update system, Windows Explorer context menu extension plus a host of plug-ins for e-mail clients such as The Bat!

, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Client.

It also features a mail filter to scan incoming e-mail messages received by POP3 or IMAPv4 protocols independently of your e-mail client, a script-filter to protect users from execution of malicious scripts in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook Express and for that matter, any other applications that use the Microsoft Windows Scripting Host technology.

In terms of reliability however, the ability of this virus checker has to be questioned. In a scan, it did not pick up several pieces of malware that Ad aware had detected although they were pretty minor.

VBA32 is an Antivirus program for personal computers running Windows which is a reliable and quickly detects and neutralizes computer viruses, mail worms, trojan programs and other malware (backdoors, adware, spyware, etc) in real time or no request by the user.