Vacuum Magic

by Vacuum Magic for Windows NT

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Collect food with your vacuum before the monsters get it

There aren’t many games around that involve vacuum cleaners but Vacuum Magic, as the name suggests, is one of them and quite a bizarre one it is too.

The point of Vacuum Magic is to use your magical vacuum cleaner field to collect food and defend yourself against monsters. The classy bit of Vacuum Magic is this – food and certain monsters can be spat out and used as a projectile weapons against other monsters. The action in Vacuum Magic is fast paced and sometimes it’s hard to know if your gobbling food or a monster but somehow, you continue to keep flying around the universe.

Vacuum Magic has one other unusual feature too in that six players can play either against each other or work together to clean the world of food and monsters. The more food you collect and the more monsters you kill in Vacuum Magic, the more points you get. You also get balls which you can use as weapons to destroy the monsters which get progressively bigger, quicker and more intelligent as the game goes on.

Vacuum Magic is a very odd game that doesn’t have great graphics but the gameplay is strangely addictive at least for a short while.