URL Encoder, Decoder and JSON Formatter Tool

by tabmasterext for

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URL Encoder, Decoder and JSON Formatter Tool

URL Encoder, Decoder and JSON Formatter Tool is a Chrome extension developed by tabmasterext. It is a free tool that offers automatic URL encoding and decoding, as well as JSON formatting, validating, beautifying, and minifying features.

Web developers often come across JSON files, which are used to transmit data in web applications. This extension provides a reliable, safe, and easy-to-use tool for developers to read, understand, and work with JSON data.

The URL Encoder feature allows developers to encode URLs to percent sign escaped URLs, while the URL Decoder feature converts URL encoded data to URL decode data strings. The URL Parser feature lets developers view, analyze, and parse URL data in a tree view format.

In addition, the extension offers a JSON formatter and viewer with a simple interface for editing and viewing JSON data. It also includes a JSON beautifier for formatting JSON and a JSON validator for validating JSON data. The JSON minify feature helps compress and minify JSON data, making it easier to share with others.

Overall, URL Encoder, Decoder and JSON Formatter Tool is a feature-packed extension that enhances the web development journey for programmers and web developers.
