Urbanspoon Restaurant Reviews APK

by Zomato for Android 9.0

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A free Travel & Local app for Android

Urbanspoon Restaurant Reviews is a free app for Android that belongs to the category Travel & Local, and has been developed by Zomato. It’s recommended for travelers, food lovers, families, college students, frequent travelers.

More about Urbanspoon Restaurant Reviews

This app is best known for the following features and qualities: social media, finding places & uploading photos, local places & ease of ordering.

People say though actual restaurant reviews from real critics and a special, always go to this app to find and discover new places, update brought back the search option.

If you like Urbanspoon Restaurant Reviews you’ll also enjoy: Restaurant Finder, Grubhub Food Delivery/Takeout, TripAdvisor Hotels Flights, Yelp, Restaurants on TV Trip Planner, Foodspotting.