UC Grabber – A Chrome Extension That Allows You to Download UoC Courses in One Click
UC Grabber is a simple Chrome extension that enables you to download courses from two of the University of Chicago’s major websites. These are the UoC Canvas and ilykei.com portals. The first one is the place where most of the information on your courses and modules is available. And the second one is the place where you can access e-book content from your courses. Both of them have a lot of courses, and you can use them to stay up to date with your class. But sometimes they have the same content for different modules, so it is hard to know which is which and you need to download everything for a module or a set of modules. That’s why we made UC Grabber, a simple Chrome extension that allows you to download your UoC courses in one click. The first time you open the extension, you need to sign in to your UoC account. When you click on the “UC Download” button, you will be given a list of courses, and you need to choose the one you want to download. The course will be downloaded to your computer, and you can view it anywhere you want. It is very easy and simple, and you don’t need to install anything else to do it.