Turning Point Ministries

by Turning Point for God Inc. for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by Turning Point for God Inc..

When you’re feeling down or anxious about life, the best way to lift your spirit is to take a minute to connect with God and meditate on his word. That’s where Turning Point comes in.

The app is designed to help you gain insight and motivation from the word of God, as well as tools to help you grow in your faith. We believe that when you’re in a state of peace and joy, you’re going to want to share that with others.

The Turning Point app, which was recently revamped, is one of the best ways to interact with Dr. David Jeremiah’s ministry. You can now see and listen to Dr. Jeremiah’s sermons without using any data on your phone by doing so. You may read daily devotionals along with the corresponding Scripture in the redesigned app, take in video and audio messages, and catch up on all the most recent Bible Study articles and ministry news—all right there in the app! Through the redesigned Turning Point app, Bible Strong Partners can also take advantage of their exclusive advantages.