Find The Cheapest Flights and Hotel Deals
Our goal is to help you save money on flights and hotels. You can use TripsGenie to compare a variety of travel sites at once to find the cheapest flights.
What can we find?
Whether you want to book flights or hotels, TripsGenie has your needs covered. With over 20 airlines and 7,000 hotels, you will find the best deals from every single site in our network. We also include a special feature that allows you to make a reservation through your phone, so you can pay right away.
The app lets you search for all your travel requirements, from your flight route and airport to the date of the trip and even class of service.
If you prefer to stay at home, TripsGenie has a feature that allows you to make a reservation through your phone, so you can pay right away. TripsGenie will then call you when you can make the reservation.