Tower of Heaven

by Askiisoft for Windows XP

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The god of this game keeps changing the rules

Remember the green monochrome world of the Gameboy? Tower of Heaven recreates that look in a challenging retro platformer with an interesting twist.

There is a tower, and your unnamed character wants to climb it. However, the God of Tower of Heaven isn’t used to people managing this feat, and talks to you as you proceed, mocking your efforts and simultaneously adding more and more laws to make the game ever harder. All you can do is walk and jump, and as you complete levels, laws are added like ‘don’t touch the yellow blocks’ or ‘don’t walk left’. If you break a law, you will be smited, which means death!

Levels are short, meaning repeating them to start with when you die isn’t so bad. However, there are later levels so difficult that even having to repeat 5 seconds of play is stressful. As the Law builds against you and the levels require more and more care it becomes like a puzzle game requiring lightening fast and perfectly accurate reflexes! There’s a lot to like here for platforming fans, just be warned that the game doesn’t want you to win!

Tower of Heaven has tons of character, and even though it’s brutally hard, the gameplay is really addictive.