Titan Browser

by Visit Website for Windows 8

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Titan Browser provides a fast, simple, and hassle-free way to get connected to the internet.

Titan Browser and its anonymous search page, provides you with the easiest way to get to Facebook,

search for what the fox said, or watch crazy YouTube videos. It makes experiencing all these things

better by removing everything you don’t need. For example, when was the last time you used that

adorable smileys toolbar that promised you joy and happiness? Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you

don’t have to worry about that toolbar, or any other toolbar that would like to make your browser

its’ new home. Titan browser makes it possible by not tracking what you search.

Ultimately, Titan Browser provides you with a fast, safe, anonymous, and hassle-free browser for


Titan Browser and its anonymous search page, provides you with the easiest way to get to Facebook, search for what the fox said, or watch crazy YouTube videos. It makes experiencing all these things better by removing everything you don’t need.

Titan Browser is for anyone who is tired of the lack of anonymity in the browsers these days. We provided the same features as all the mainstream browsers without the need to look into your personal life.