
by diajidong for Android 13.0

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TheTrackey: A Bluetooth Key Finder and Remote Shutter App

TheTrackey by diajidong is a free Android application that allows users to connect and control their thetrackey device via Bluetooth. The app’s main function is to help users find lost objects that are attached to thetrackey. By tapping the scan icon in the Device List, users can connect with thetrackey, rename it, and control it through the app’s main interface.

One of the key features of the app is its ability to alert users when thetrackey goes out of range. The app will notify users with sound, vibration, and flash and alarms can be set on the key finder, phone, or both. The app also has a Remote Shutter feature that allows users to launch their phone’s camera and take pictures or videos by pressing the button on thetrackey.