The War of Eustrath

by iQubi Inc. for

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Join a Sci-Fi Battle in The War of Eustrath

The War of Eustrath is a tactical war game with a science fiction storyline. Enter a war of the future and pit deadly machines against one another.

Do You Have the Will to Win?

The War of Eustrath is set in a future where two nations, Eustrath and Kradion, are at war over resources. As the player, you take command of a military squad and must put your war machines to best use so as to triumph over 30 levels. The game features an unusual mechanic based around each pilot’s “will” attribute; as characters make decisions, this attribute is prone to rising or falling. Different characters are prone to gaining or losing will for different reasons, so a good player will need to get to know each character in the squad.

A Traditional Tactical Game

Beyond the will mechanic, The War of Eustrath is very much a traditional sci-fi oriented tactical warfare game. Fans of the genre will find it all reassuringly familiar, as will fans of the various Japanese and Korean animated series that informed its storytelling sensibilities.