The Unique Children’s Protection & Enrichment

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Unique Children’s Protection & Enrichment – Protects Your Children from Harms on Internet

Unique Children’s Protection & Enrichment is the best parental control service to help you maintain a safe Internet environment for your children. We are a browser plugin that can turn on or off all the content blocked by parents. This will enable your children to explore the Internet, while you can monitor their actions.

How does it work?

In order to stop children from viewing or interacting with a website that you don’t want them to, simply install the plugin and press a button. You can create a list of websites that you don’t want your children to visit, and have them blocked from visiting these websites. You can also remove any websites from this list if they need to be hidden. You can also allow or disable some websites and categories.

For children, these features are extremely useful, since they will no longer be forced to use websites that they don’t want to. They can now explore the Internet with peace of mind and stay on sites that interest them.