The Form Letter Machine

by Donationcoder for Windows Vista

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Write documents by using pre-written paragraphs

If you work in a Customer Support department I’m sure you must send lots of emails every day. What’s more, I bet many of them are almost identical, changing only some text bits like the customer’s name or the product you’re referring to.

If this is your case, then you’re going to love this application. The Form Letter Machine enables you to produce formal letters in a much faster, easier way. It lets you create and save fragments of text you’re likely to use very often, such as introductory paragraphs, apologies, explanations and so on. These fragments are then organized in a tree structure, so that you can easily use them to build your letter and then copy it directly to the Clipboard. The program also takes care of the possible variations, although this bit is not that clear.

The program features a very simple yet customizable interface and it’s definitely a great time-saver for repetitive emails and letters.

Leading and trailing spaces in variable values are no longer trimmedWhen an output file is specified on commandline and user quits without saving, the output file is deleted


  • Leading and trailing spaces in variable values are no longer trimmedWhen an output file is specified on commandline and user quits without saving, the output file is deleted

The Form Letter Machine is a program that will help you to write letters and emails by mixing and matching from pre-written paragraphs.

It’s useful for people who regularly need to send out emails which include different components in different circumstances. For example if you field technical support requests, or if you need to reply to various inquiries, etc.

It enables you to assemble text from multiple paragraphs, each one customized for a specific type of inquiry or response. You can build your own configurations using checkboxes and radioboxes and nested groups, and then easily write new letters or respond to inquiries by checking off the components you want to include. A real-time preview allows you to view the message as it is composed.

The program also supports user defined variables, which allows you to quickly personalize the template with a name or other data that is specific to the task. The text is then copied to the clipboard and can be used in your e-mail program or word processor.