A Spider-Man game based on the 2012 movie
The amazing Spider-Man throws you into 25 missions where you may locate gangs of enemies by traveling across the city, and then defeat the gangs of enemies in order to upgrade your fighting style or your attacks.
Find gangs of enemies and fight them hand-to-hand
The amazing Spider-Man is based on the 2012 cash-grab movie versions of Spider-Man. The game does not recreate the movie experience, but it does feature characters from those movies, such as the lizard enemy. You spend most of your time fighting the Lizard’s gangs of minions. The main aim of the game is to web sling and crawl your way around obstacles to find locations where you may fight gangs of enemies. You may fight melee, or with ranged attacks. Over time, you are able to upgrade the way you fight and how you attack, but progression is slow and uncomplicated, which will annoy older gamers, but is perfectly paced for younger players.
Only younger children should consider it
Fans of the previous Spider-Man games should give this game a miss. We can all admit that the older Spiderman games were not great, but they had great voice acting, and they were ground-breaking in their day. Sadly, The amazing Spider-Man is based on the 2012 movies, which were cash-grab movies that were brought out before Sony started sharing the rights to Spider-Man with Marvel. The amazing Spider-Man is the last cash-grab game by Sony, and it is not good. However, the game does have an aesthetic appeal that younger children may enjoy, and they are unlikely to know about the previous Spider-Man movies or games, so younger children may get a kick out of this game.