that feeling blue

by colorfiction for Windows 10

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Explore an aesthetically-pleasing world

that feeling blue is a free indie game developed by colorfiction. It is a beautiful art game, which will have you explore an atmospheric fantasy landscape. Everything in this game is surreal, with architecturally organic elements. However, unlike other adventure games, there isn’t much to do in the game aside from exploration. There are no missions to complete and no characters to unlock. It is just a game to play whenever you want to take a break from reality. 

Blue is for calm

that feeling blue is basically a little garden that you can explore at leisure. The game comes with a first-person point of view and gives you a 360° view of everything. To move around, you can use your keyboard by pressing the WASD keys. You can then use your mouse to look closer at any object in the game. You can also capture a photo of the game by pressing the P button. 

The garden in the game is—to put it simply—just beautiful and creative. As mentioned, everything in the game is very surreal. The blue color palette gives off an ethereal and cosmic look that matches the planes and lines used in the landscape.  Moreover, the background music used as you explore adds more atmosphere to the already fractal and psychedelic vibe of the game. 

However, that’s all there is to the game. As noted, there are no missions and no gameplay whatsoever. Also, the map is a bit small. But what’s frustrating is that you cannot explore some parts of the garden. There are also quite a few glitches in the game, such as occasional collision problems and distance pop-in from the short rendering distance. Also worth noting is the fact that the game requires a large storage space to run smoothly. 

Relax and explore

Overall, that feeling blue is an exploration game worth playing when you want to relax. Everything in the game is calming—from its visual design and music to its gameplay. Moreover, there are no challenges that need overcoming, so you can take your time and take in the environment. There are a few issues here and there, but it won’t really affect your experience.