Templafy Google Drive Extension

by Templafy for

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Create More Than Just Simple Documents with This Extension

If you’re a business owner, you’re probably creating more than just simple documents. Business applications, like PowerPoint, Google Drive, and similar products, need to be secure and efficient. And while they can still work without the necessary collaboration features, you’ll be able to gain a number of benefits from them, such as:

The ability to collaborate and share documents with your team, and more. Easily collaborate with your team by sending them links to the right place on your Google Drive. Create and maintain your own library of templates, styles, and icons to help keep the documents organized. Get notified when a document is created or edited, and respond to it immediately. No more having to remember where to put a document, or how to collaborate with your team. Your document is now more secure, and you’ll be notified when it is created or edited.