Teams meeting generator

by Grauso Francesco for

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Create Teams Meetings Directly From Your Browser

Generate meeting links directly from webmail without downloading an app. You can create a meeting link on your desktop and share it with your contacts or add it to your calendar. The generated link can also be used on mobile devices and works on the mobile version of your webmail app. It’s fast and easy to use, and can be used in all meetings for Microsoft Teams, including recurring meetings. It also lets you search for a specific meeting that will only show you the calendar for the current date.After logging into your webmail, click the Meetings tab, then choose to create a meeting. Select the date, set the meeting description, then you’ll be able to generate a meeting link.Then, the newly created meeting link will be sent to the person you have invited, directly in their inbox and calendar. You can also generate the link for recurring meetings, and it works for both teams and channels in the Teams app.