Takishawa Is Dead!

by Andrew Brophy for Windows 2000

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Find Takishawa in this challenging 3D platformer

Takishawa Is Dead! is a short indie 3D platform game. As you begin the game, you are told that a dangerous criminal, Takishawa, is on the loose, and you must find him before it’s too late!

To do this, you have to make your way around a perilous 3D environment, talking to people you meet, and finding your way through the maze. Control is via the keyboard. It’s a little complex, because you use the cursor keys to move, Z and X to interact and jump, as well as the WASD keys to change the camera angle.

Moving the camera is essential, but it takes a little getting used to. You’ll need to make perfect jumps and move quickly to get through some of Takishawa Is Dead!, and although there are save points, it can still be frustrating. Falling means death, and unless you’re incredibly careful, you can expect to fall a lot.

Visually, Takishawa Is Dead! is simple, but striking, with its monochrome world floating on 8-bit psychedelic backgrounds. The sound is OK, and the music adds a little atmosphere. It’s a tiny 3MB download, and doesn’t need installation, which is a bonus.

Takishawa Is Dead! is an interesting platformer, which will test the skills of most gamers. The mystery of Takishawa should be enough to motivate you to the end of the game!