
by Recluse Industries for iOS 4.1.1

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Futuristic hide and seek game

Surveillant is a futuristic strategy arcade game of hide and seek, where you have to disable a CCTV camera while ensuring it doesn’t see you.

Inspired by an early seminal 3D game, The Sentinel. Unlike that game, Surveillant features designed levels, as opposed to generated ones. The basic idea is the same – the Surveillant is high up, scanning the area around it, and you must use the various platforms to move up and reach it. Control is great – tilt to look around, and touch to move to a platform. You can only move onto platforms when you can see their tops.

The Surveillant scans with a burning laser which will toast you in a few seconds. There’s a button that allows you to focus on the camera and see where it’s looking, and you can also hide behind platforms to avoid its gaze.

Surveillant looks great, with minimalist graphics that really suit the gameplay. The sound is also excellent and adds a lot to the atmosphere. It’s great that developer Recluse Industries has maintained the tense and threatening atmosphere of The Sentinel, even if the camera isn’t quite as scary!

The biggest issue with Surveillant is the difficulty – it is tough, and when more enemies are added it becomes even tougher! There are only 10 levels, although more are promised, but it’s already quite a challenge to beat those!

Surveillant is a stylish and tough strategy action game that offers a genuine challenge with a great atmosphere.