Super Vampire Ninja Zero

by Bharti Airtel Ltd for Windows Vista

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Beat up the undead

Super Vampire Ninja Zero is a one-player arcade fighting game, with 90s, 16-bit styling reminiscent of Double Dragon. You play Mina, a martial arts expert with a ton of undead and demons to take care of!

Super Vampire Ninja Zero is a prototype – the gameplay is all in place, but there’s only one character and stage to play at the moment. There are play modes though, including Time Attack and Coop Survival. In normal mode you fight enemies in waves, that get progressively harder. Dracula is particularly tough!

The action has three dimensions, so you have quite a lot of space to move around, like the classic arcade street-brawlers of years gone by.S uper Vampire Ninja Zero’s graphics look good, in a 16-bit way, and are pretty well animated. The style is Manga-like, but not graphic or bloody, despite the violent action.

Controls are great – the cursor keys are used to move, plus the QWEASD keys for action buttons. The system works really well, and after a short time you’ll find yourself pulling out excellent combos on your undead enemies. While the gameplay is very retro, it’s really well done, with great pace and suitable zoom-ins and slow motions for special moves and kill moves.

Super Vampire Ninja Zero is a fantastic little beat ’em-up as it stands, and fans of those old fighting games will be in their element with this!