Super Jack World APK

by 1kpapps for Android 13.0

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A free app for Android, by 1kpapps.

Super Jack World is an arcade platform game, in which you will have to run and jump across a jungle-themed path to escape the evil monsters and reach the castle. As you progress, you will unlock different weapons to help you defeat the enemies. You will also be able to collect coins and treasure boxes as you go along the way, which will help you unlock more weapons.

How to Play Super Jack World:

1. Tap and hold on the screen to run.

2. Run as fast as you can to avoid the obstacles.

3. Jump and shoot the monsters.

4. Collect the coins and treasure boxes.

5. Unlock more weapons as you collect more coins.

6. Upgrade your weapons to help you defeat the enemies.

7. When you reach the end of the path, you will be rewarded with new weapons and coins.