Sortd for Gmail

by Sortd for Gmail for Android 13.0

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Manage Your Tasks And Email Together For Free.

Sortd for Gmail is a free productivity extension that turns your large, text-heavy lists of emails into a simpler and much more segmented to-do list with coloured pips and headings. This can be a fantastic boon for productivity, and it’s particularly good for a few types of potential users.

What It Does

Sortd allows you to move individual emails onto a separate, much cleaner page than Gmail’s normal inbox. Though Gmail does have a few tabs that it sorts emails into, the headings provided by this app are generally better from an organizational standpoint: rather than simply receiving ‘general’ or ‘social’ emails and looking through those, you can assign emails to your ‘to-do’ tab to remind you that you need to do something with an email, to ‘follow up’ to remind yourself to reply to an email you’ve read, and so forth. There are some options, but generally the app is made to work out of the box.

Who It Works For

Overall, Sortd for Gmail is useful if you haven’t already customized your Gmail experience, and it’s only useful if you use Gmail’s web client. If you already use software like Outlook to manage your email, it will generally work better to stick with what you have. But if you just want to organize your chaotic email, and want a lightweight, effective solution to do so with, Sortd for Gmail is well worth considering.