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Chrome Extension – SnapGuide

SnapGuide is a Chrome extension that lets you measure and snap to grid-like guidelines.

It provides various features for measuring, editing, and positioning pages.

Measure – Snap to the page content with its borders and padding.

Edit – You can edit the page content and set guidelines to where you want them to appear.

Snap – SnapGuide will snap to borders, padding, and even the baseline of the text.

Help – SnapGuide offers various options for the user to help, including some that will not interfere with the web page.

To measure and snap to grids, click the “Measure” button or press “Alt+Shift+S” to launch SnapGuide

If you want to add guidelines to a web page, use the “Edit” button to set the “Grid Size”. Once you have set the grid size, you can use the “Drag” button to move the guides around and remove the guides you no longer need. To remove guides, hold the “Remove” button.

To help users, SnapGuide provides the following keyboard shortcuts: 

V – Add a vertical guide

H – Add a horizontal guide

Q – Remove all guides

Space – Toggle help

Alt+Shift+S – Launch SnapGuide

To use these keyboard shortcuts, first, click the SnapGuide icon in the Chrome browser, and then press “V” or “H” to add or remove vertical or horizontal guides. Press “Space” to toggle the help mode.

You can now measure your page with ease. You can simply press “V” to add a vertical guide, “H” to add a horizontal guide, or “Q” to remove all the guides.