Smart Words

by anthonyscottliu for

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SAT or GRE Vocabulary Application

This application is an adaptation of the Smart Words application. It is designed to help those who are preparing for SAT or GRE exams by replacing simple words with those that have the same meaning but are more familiar to the test takers.

The words are sorted in groups so that they appear in different pages and columns depending on the length of the word. To add a new word to your dictionary, just select one of the categories from the list and click on the “Add word” button.

You can also sort the words by length or frequency. The application shows you the synonyms and the definition of the selected word. To view the word you selected, just double-tap on the word.

This is just a basic version of the application. We have implemented many improvements since the original version, and we will keep making them as the version 1 is getting old. 

We know that it is a long way until the SAT or GRE exam, so we have created a tool that can help you expand your vocabulary.