Smart Moving mod for Minecraft

by Divisor82 for Windows 8.1

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Free movement alteration for Minecraft

The worlds built inside Minecraft go above and beyond what we see in real life. The movement of the players, however, is lackluster. Fortunately, Smart Moving Mod is a utility tool that offers additional moving possibilities on the sandbox game. This Minecraft mod is based on parkour moves. You’ll be able to climb, jump, sprint, and slide on any kind of terrain on the game. 

Level up, player! 

Smart Moving is for users that want to get more out of the builds. Essentially, the mod alters the movement mechanics of Minecraft itself. This allows you to move across builds and obstacles with greater efficiency and effectivity. The most dominant and useful alteration is climbing. There are four areas that you can climb on: gaps in the walls, ladders, ceilings, and vines. Both free-climbing and ladder-climbing are more inclusive of which surfaces you grip onto. As long as a horizontal edge is the size of a block, you will be able to climb it. Climbing up ceilings, however, is blocked by steel fences and closed trap doors. 

The action combo you will be using the most on this mod is climbing and jumping. Jump options include side and back jumps, head jumps, wall jumps and charged jumps. Its most noteworthy move, though, is sliding. This implements ground sliding. It’s commonly used when jumps and climbs prove risky. But, you can also slide when you’re in flight or coming from a forward jump. 

Smart Moving Mod requires that you download Minecraft Forge and Player API first. However, all three are worth installing. This modification delivers a hefty set of alterations. Each movement will allow you to see builds from a new perspective. It will also challenge your abilities to move through obstacles. Overall, Smart Moving Mod breathes new life into a classic 2D sandbox game.